Scheduled to arrive at your favorite Integrity Toys dealers:
Shipping to Dealers this week (just arrived, confirmed)
Item 14029 Saturday Night Fever
Item 78008 FR:16 Hanne Doll
Item 78011 FR: 16 Elsa
Item 78012 FR:16 Hanne Doll (Couturedolls.com exclusive)
Week of July 14th , 2014 (pending no customs delays)
Item PP060 Agent Lotta Danger Poppy Parker Doll
Item PP061 Spy a Gogo Poppy Parker Doll
Scheduled to arrive at IT DIRECT:
Week of July 14th, 2014 (pending no customs delays)
Item PP059 The Girl From I.N.T.G.R.I.T.Y Poppy Parker Upgrade Doll*
Item 91345 Fashion Explorer Vanessa Perrin Upgrade Doll*
Item 14057 Countess Danielle Du Voisin Upgrade Doll*