Житомир, Украина
Neo Blythe “Lorshek Molseh”
Face Type: Radiance +
Skin: Fair
Make-up: Brown eyeshadow, Salmon Pink lips, Pink cheeks.
Eye Color: Pink (front), blue (right), orange (front), *special light green (left).
Hair Color: Dark Brown
The set includes: Doll, dress, cloak, hat, mustache, boots small paper objects
(magnifying glass and pipe), underwear and stand.
Release Date: February 14, 2014
Price: 14,490 JPY
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Face Type: Radiance +
Skin: Fair
Make-up: Brown eyeshadow, Salmon Pink lips, Pink cheeks.
Eye Color: Pink (front), blue (right), orange (front), *special light green (left).
Hair Color: Dark Brown
The set includes: Doll, dress, cloak, hat, mustache, boots small paper objects
(magnifying glass and pipe), underwear and stand.
Release Date: February 14, 2014
Price: 14,490 JPY
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